2018-19 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Physical Education and Health Education
Physical Education Philosophy and Courses
At Oregon Institute of Technology, the physical education philosophy is that every man and woman can achieve and maintain fitness through a sound program based on varied developmental, sport, and recreational activities. The physical education courses provide basic instruction in vigorous activities.
Course offerings include fitness training, weight lifting, aerobics activities, archery, ice skating, rugby, recreational basketball, tai chi, Zumba, yoga, kick boxing, core strength & balance, Pilates, rowing, belly dance, scuba, swim classes, relaxation & flexibility, varsity sports and major sports seminars, including weight loss and weight loss management. Other offerings include wilderness navigation, cross country skiing and snowshoeing.
Health Education Philosophy and Courses
Selected courses in health education are provided to assist students to prevent physical and mental health disorders and to promote well-being.
Course Policy
Physical education courses are currently offered as elective credits only. Some courses may require an additional course fee depending on facility and special equipment needs. There is no limit on the number of times a physical education course can be repeated.