2017-18 University Catalog 
    Mar 27, 2025  
2017-18 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Admissions and Financial Aid

Office of Admissions

College Union, 1st Floor
800-422-2017 (toll free)
(541) 885-1150
(541) 885-1024 (fax)

The Oregon Tech Admissions Office is located on the first floor of the College Union on the Klamath Falls campus. Open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., its primary functions are to help prospective students investigate and evaluate Oregon Tech, to manage applications for admission and to assist applicants with the enrollment process. The Admissions Office operates with the cooperation and support of the entire campus community. Admissions welcomes visiting students and their families to daily tours, and sessions with admissions counselors, coaches, and other staff. Oregon Tech also hosts several Campus Preview events annually. For Campus Preview dates or to register online for a visit or Campus Preview, go to www.oit.edu/visit or call (541) 885-1150 or (800) 422-2017. To visit Oregon Tech Wilsonville, call (503) 821-1250. Hearing impaired persons may call the TTY number at (541) 885-1072.

Admission requirements apply to all applicants of Oregon Tech. All students who wish to enroll in more than eight credits in a term, receive financial aid and/or graduate from Oregon Tech must apply and be accepted for admission. Applications for general admission (excluding programs requiring specialized admission) are processed on the campus in Klamath Falls regardless of the campus location for the student.

Application Deadlines

The priority application deadline for maximum scholarship and financial aid consideration each fall term is March 1. Oregon Tech accepts applications on a rolling basis, but students must have a complete application on file in Admissions three weeks prior to the first day of classes as follows:

2017-2018 Application Deadlines
Fall Term September 4, 2017
Winter Term December 18, 2017
Spring Term March 12, 2018
Summer Term June 4, 2018


Applications for admission are available online at www.oit.edu/apply. A complete application consists of an application for admission, application fee, official transcripts, test scores, and other required documentation depending on the type of applicant (see Admission Eligibility Requirements).

Students who were previously admitted, but never enrolled, and students who want to re-enroll after skipping four or more terms must log back into the online application and click the link entitled “new” which is located under the “Admission Term” heading, then select the appropriate application to update their information. Students who have not yet registered for classes may change their entry term by logging back into the online application and click on the link entitled “new” which is located under the “Admission Term” heading, then select the appropriate application to update their term. Students who want to only update their choice of major or choice of campus must use the Application Change Form located online at www.oit.edu/applications under “Additional Resources.”

Students who wish to enroll as non-degree seeking students in no more than eight credits per term may submit a Non-Admit Application form; however students must be fully admitted to qualify for financial aid. These forms are available online at www.oit.edu/applications.

International students must complete the International Student Application. Students seeking enrollment through an approved exchange program must complete the International Exchange Application. Both are available online at www.oit.edu/international.

The following majors require a secondary application process after students are granted general admission and after students meet the eligibility requirements of the program. Each program has its own deadlines, admission requirements and processes which are outlined in the departmental pages of this catalog.

Medical Laboratory Science (OHSU/Wilsonville)

Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Dental Hygiene (Klamath Falls, Salem)


Nuclear Medicine Technology

Nursing (with OHSU/Klamath Falls)

Paramedic/EMT (OHSU/Wilsonville)

Radiologic Science

Respiratory Care

Vascular Technology

Application Procedures

Every applicant must complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the appropriate Application for Admission (www.oit.edu/applications).
  2. Submit the $50 non-refundable application fee. (Applicants to online programs submit an additional $50 non-refundable Online Program Fee). Checks or money orders should be made payable to Oregon Tech. Students who qualify may opt to defer the application fee until enrollment in classes. Oregon Tech Application Fee Deferral Forms are available at http://www.oit.edu/docs/default-source/admissions-documents/deferral-of-application-fee-for-admission.pdf?sfvrsn=2.
  3. Applicants who have earned fewer than 36 college credits must have official SAT I or ACT scores sent to Oregon Tech. Some applicants who graduated from high school three or more years ago may be exempted from this requirement by permission of the Admissions Director.
  4. Have official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions that you attended, or received credit from, sent directly to the Oregon Tech Admissions Office. Any offer of admission is contingent upon the submission of satisfactory final transcripts prior to enrollment at Oregon Tech.
  5. Have official high school transcripts or GED test results sent directly to the Oregon Tech Admissions Office. High School records are not required from applicants who graduated prior to 1997 and who have earned at least 36 transferable quarter college credits or 24 transferable college semester credits. Applicants who are currently enrolled in high school may be admitted on the basis of six or more semesters of high school work provided that they will have met the 15 subject requirements at the time of high school graduation. In any case, each student’s final official high school transcript must be provided upon graduation to complete the admission process.
  6. Have official Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) score reports sent to the Oregon Tech Admissions Office, if applicable.

When applying to an online program, submit an Eligibility Verification Form (http://bit.ly/1a3EOud). This will help ensure you meet any additional requirements of your desired program. To see eligibility requirements, visit www.oit.edu/online/degrees, and select your desired program.

Some programs at Oregon Tech do not have sufficient space to enroll all qualified applicants who seek admission. In these cases, Oregon Tech reserves the right to offer admission to the most qualified applicants, on a first-come, first-served basis or through a combination of the two strategies.

Upon admission and prior to registration, a completed health form showing evidence of adequate immunizations must be on file with Oregon Tech’s Student Health Center. For further information, see the Student Health Center section of this catalog. Students are not required to submit these forms if taking fewer than six credits per term.

If a student fails to submit the required documents in complete and satisfactory order, admission and registration may be cancelled. All records become the property of Oregon Tech.

Social Security Number Disclosure and Consent Statement

Students are requested to provide, voluntarily, a Social Security Number (SSN) to assist Oregon Tech in developing, validating or administering predictive tests and assessments; administering student aid programs; improving instruction; internal identification of students; student parking; collection of student debts; or comparing student educational experiences with subsequent workforce experiences. By providing your Social Security Number, students consent to the uses identified above. This request is made pursuant to ORS 351.070 and 351.085. Provision of a Social Security Number and consent to its use is not required and, if a student chooses so, will not be denied any right, benefit or privilege provided by Applicants may enter a series of zeros (000-00-0000) on their admission application in place of their actual SSN, but should be aware that by not providing their SSN they will not be eligible to receive federal student aid or university scholarships.

Additionally, applicants should be aware that Oregon Tech is required to obtain a Social Security Number in order to file certain returns with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for the applicant to receive a 1098T and to furnish a statement to you. The returns that Oregon Tech must file contain information about qualified tuition and related expenses. Privacy Act Notice: Section 6109 of the Internal Revenue Code requires students to give a correct SSN to persons who must file information returns with the IRS to report certain information. The IRS uses the SSN for identification purposes and to help verify the accuracy of tax returns. For more information, refer to IRS code 6050S.

Admission Requirements

Freshman Admission

Academic performance is not the sole criterion for admission. Oregon Tech may evaluate a person’s behavior and background to determine their ability to maintain the standards of academic and professional conduct expected at the university. An evaluation may take into consideration current behavior and performance as well as past experiences and actions. Simply qualifying for admission does not guarantee admission.

For freshman admission, students must meet entrance requirements adopted by the State Board of Higher Education in Oregon. Applicants who are enrolled in or who have graduated from regionally accredited high schools must:

  1. Submit an official high school transcript. An unweighted cumulative high school grade point average of 3.00 is required for admission. Applicants with a GPA between 2.50 and 2.99 may qualify for admission provided they submit adequate SAT Reasoning Exam scores or ACT scores.
  2. Submit results from either the SAT Reasoning Exam, SAT I or ACT
    1. Applicants with an unweighted cumulative high school grade point average of 3.00 or better must take the SAT or ACT and have official scores submitted to Oregon Tech, but there is no minimum SAT or ACT score.
    2. Applicants with an unweighted GPA of 2.75 to 2.99 must submit a total SAT score of 880 with a score of at least 440 on the Math portion of the SAT. Those submitting ACT results must have an ACT Math score of at least 17 and a Composite score of at least 17.
    3. Applicants with an unweighted GPA of 2.50 to 2.74 must submit a total SAT score of 1080 with a score of at least 530 on the Math portion of the SAT. Those submitting ACT results must have an ACT Math score of at least 21 and a Composite score of at least 21.
    4. Applicants who have graduated from a standard high school three or more years prior to the term they wish to be admitted and enter the university are not required to submit SAT or ACT aptitude test scores. However, if an applicant wishes to be considered for university scholarships, they must submit aptitude test scores.
  3. Applicants must satisfactorily (grade of C- or above) complete at least 15 units (one year is equal to one unit) of college preparatory work in the following areas, unless they graduated from high school prior to spring 1985.
    1. English (4 units). Shall include the study of the English language, literature, speaking and listening, and writing, with emphasis on and frequent practice in writing expository prose during all four years.
    2. Mathematics (3 units). Shall include first-year algebra and two additional years of college preparatory mathematics selected from geometry (deductive or descriptive); advanced topics in algebra (through Algebra II), trigonometry, analytical geometry, finite mathematics, advanced applications, calculus, and probability and statistics, or courses that integrate topics from two or more of these areas. One unit is strongly recommended in the senior year. (Algebra and geometry taken prior to 9th grade will be accepted.)
    3. Science (3 units). Shall include at least one year each in two fields of inquiry based college preparatory science such as biology, chemistry, physics, or earth and physical science. Science courses that are “inquiry based” provide students the opportunity to apply scientific reasoning and critical thinking to support conclusions or explanations with evidence from their investigations. It is strongly recommended that one year be taken as a laboratory science.
    4. Social Studies (3 units). Shall include analysis of societal issues and events. It is strongly recommended that study includes knowledge and use of geographic information, patterns of United States history, patterns of human history, structures and systems of US Government, and analysis of economic systems.
    5. Second Language (2 units). Shall include two years of the same high school-level second language, or a C- or better in the third year of a high school-level language, or two terms of a college-level second language with a grade of C- or better, or satisfactory performance on an approved assessment of second language proficiency. Demonstrated proficiency in an American Indian language can meet all or part of the second language requirement, as certified by the governing body of any federally recognized tribe. American Sign Language meets the second language requirement. The second language requirement only applies to applicants graduating from high school in 1997 or later. If admitted as an exception, students failing to meet this requirement must complete two terms of the same college-level second language with a C- or better before earning a degree from Oregon Tech.

Applicants who are unable to meet the 15 subject requirements may be eligible for admission by earning a minimum score of 470 or above (940 total) on each of two College Board SAT Subject Tests (in Math level I or IIC and another test of the student’s choice). Students who do not take a SAT Subject test in a second language must prove language proficiency through another approved process.

Applicants who have not graduated from high school and who are applying on the basis of GED scores must submit test results showing a minimum of 170 on each subject area and 680 overall. A special admission option will be offered to test takers who scored no lower than 150 on the Reasoning Through Language Arts Test, no lower than 150 on the Social Studies Test, no lower than 160 on the Science Test, and no lower than 170 on the Mathematics Reasoning Test. GED tests taken prior to 2015 must show a minimum composite score of 580 (58 on GED exams administered prior to 2002) with a minimum score of 410 on each GED subtest (41 on subtests administered prior to 2002). GED applicants must meet the Foreign Language requirement. Applicants whose pre-2015 GED scores fall below these standards may qualify on the basis of a combination of GED and SAT Reasoning or ACT exam results:

  • Applicants with GED composite scores of 550 to 570 (55 to 57 on tests administered before 2002) need to submit combined SAT Reasoning Exam scores of 800 or better on the Critical Reading (formerly called Verbal) and Math tests with a score of at least 400 on the Math portion of the SAT. Those submitting ACT results must have an ACT Math score of at least 17 and a Composite score of at least 17.
  • Applicants with GED composite scores of 500 to 540 (50 to 54 on tests administered before 2002) need to submit combined SAT Reasoning Exam scores of 1000 or better on the Critical Reading (formerly called Verbal) and Math tests with a score of at least 500 on the Math portion of the SAT. Those submitting ACT results must have an ACT Math score of at least 21 and a Composite score of at least 21.

Public high school students must graduate from a standard or regionally accredited high school. Private high school students must graduate from regionally accredited high schools. Home-schooled students and graduates of unaccredited or non-standard high schools, as well as applicants who fail to meet the 15 subject requirements, may be admitted by submitting SAT Reasoning Exam score of 1000 on the Math and Critical Reasoning sections combined or an ACT composite score of 21 or better and a minimum score of 470 or above (940 total) on each of two College Board SAT Subject Tests (Math level I or IIC and another test of the student’s choice, in a subject other than math). An examination in a second language is strongly recommended to qualify the applicant for admission by meeting the language proficiency requirements. Students who do not take an SAT Subject test in a second language must prove language proficiency through another approved process.

Transfer Admission

A transfer student is one who has previously earned credits at another regionally accredited institution of higher education. A student must have earned at least 36 college-level credit hours (24 semester credits) to be admitted on the basis of his/her college record alone.

  • Transfer applicants must have a cumulative 2.25 GPA or better in college level classes unless they hold an Oregon Transfer Module (OTM) or an associate or bachelor’s degree, in which case, a cumulative GPA of 2.0 is required.
  • In order to be admitted to Oregon Tech, transfer applicants must demonstrate proficiency in English and Math by completing the equivalent of Math 95 (Intermediate Algebra) or higher and WRI 115 (Introduction to Writing) or higher with grades of “C-” or better.
  • Transfer applicants must have completed two terms of a college-level second language with a grade of C- or better, or two years of the same high school-level second language with grades of C- or better, or satisfactory performance on an approved second language assessment of proficiency. Demonstrated proficiency in an American Indian language can meet all or part of the second language requirement, as certified by the governing body of any federally recognized tribe. American Sign Language meets the second language requirement. The second language requirement applies to transfer applicants graduating from high school in 1997 or after.
  • Applicants who do not have an Associate’s or a Bachelor’s degree must have at least 36 college-level credits. If more than 10 percent of an applicant’s credits are in Physical Education, credits beyond the 10 percent threshold will not be counted toward meeting GPA requirements.
  • Applicants must be eligible to re-enroll in the previous institution attended.

Official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions must be submitted for consideration. Applicants who graduated from high school after 1997 must also submit official high school transcripts, unless they have completed two terms of college-level study in a second language.

Official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions must be submitted for consideration. Applicants who graduated from high school after 1997 must also submit official high school transcripts, unless they have completed two terms of college-level study in a second language.

Applicants who have earned fewer than 36 quarter or fewer than 24 semester hours of college-level work must also provide high school transcripts or GED scores. They must also provide SAT I or ACT scores. In some cases, these applicants must submit SAT/ACT scores. Admission will be based on both high school and transfer GPA and subject requirements. Students who have completed fewer than 12 transferable quarter credits (8 semester) must meet freshman admission requirements.

A Transfer Evaluation Report acknowledging the courses accepted by the university will be sent after admission status has been confirmed. Acceptance of vocational/technical courses may be granted after registration if the student’s administering department finds that vocational/technical courses have satisfied certain bachelor’s degree requirements. In all cases, course and/or department prerequisites will be enforced.

Transfer Articulation Agreements

Oregon Tech is dedicated to enhancing partnerships with regional community colleges. One important way of doing this is by forming articulation agreements. An articulation agreement is an officially approved agreement that matches coursework between schools. These agreements are designed to help students make a seamless transition when transferring to Oregon Tech. Articulation agreements give students a clear understanding of what courses will transfer to Oregon Tech and satisfy requirements for their major while minimizing overlap or repeat of courses. Some agreements accept an associate’s degree in its entirety while other agreements outline specific courses to take as a student plans for transfer. Students should inform the Admissions Office and their academic department advisor when they are utilizing an articulation agreement.

A list of articulation agreements can be found online at www.oit.edu/articulations; students may search by Oregon Tech major or by transfer institution. Questions regarding these agreements may be directed to the students’ academic department or the Office of Academic Agreements.

Non-Admit Students

A non-admit is a student who wishes to enroll in no more than eight credits per term at Oregon Tech, is not seeking a degree from Oregon Tech and has never been fully admitted to Oregon Tech in the past. A non-admit is not eligible for financial aid. Out-of-state residents are subject to non-resident tuition and fees upon enrolling in more than 6 credits. A tuition and fee schedule can viewed on online (www.oit.edu/college-costs/tuition-fees). College-level classes taken while in non-admit status may be used toward Oregon Tech graduation requirements upon completion of the full admission process or may be transferred to other institutions. Enrollment as a non-admit student does not guarantee future admission to Oregon Tech. To enroll at Oregon Tech as a non-admit, submit the Non-Admit Application Form (www.oit.edu/applications) to the Admissions Office, at least one week prior to enrollment. Oregon Tech reserves the right to deny enrollment to those who seek non-admit status.

Admission to Programs Having Clinical or Practicum Requirements

It is important that prospective students understand that admission to those programs that have clinical or practicum requirements:

  1. Is selective;
  2. Will be granted after consideration of an applicant’s ability to assume professional responsibility for clients, patients or students served by the program; and may be denied to any student with a record of past criminal behavior or psychiatric illness, which bears upon the student’s ability to fulfill clinical or practicum responsibilities.

Students seeking admission to online degree completion programs in Radiologic Science, Vascular Technology, Echocardiography, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, or Respiratory Care, must meet all regular admission requirements and be registered professionals working in their chosen field. This will ensure access to clinical sites as required in these programs. For more information, contact the Online Education Office.

International Student Admission

Oregon Tech welcomes international students as applicants and as vital members of its campus community. In applying for admission, send the following to the Admissions Office:

  1. An International Student Application for Admission accompanied by a $50 (U.S.) non-refundable fee.
  2. Official transcripts, in English or with an accompanying official translation, of all high school and post-high school institutions attended.
  3. Official test scores on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System exam (IELTS). A minimum score of 520 paper-based TOEFL, 190 computer-based TOEFL, 68 Internet-based TOEFL or 6 IELTS is required for consideration.
  4. A completed Statement of Financial Responsibility form, indicating that you have the necessary financial resources in U.S. dollars to support yourself while enrolled.
  5. A letter, if appropriate, from parents and/or sponsors indicating the amount of financial support they will provide in U.S. dollars.
  6. Documentation showing that you, your parents and/or your sponsors have adequate financial resources to meet your expenses while enrolled at Oregon Tech. Examples include official bank statements, tax forms and letters of employment showing annual earnings.
  7. An official credential evaluation from an Oregon Tech-approved credential service for all coursework completed at a post-secondary institution outside the United States. Examples include the Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (http://www.aacrao.org/international/foreignEdCred.cfm) and World Education Services (www.wes.org).

A completed health history and immunization form must be submitted. In addition to the health requirements that need to be fulfilled before registration (refer to Integrated Student Health Center section of this catalog for health history and immunization requirements); international students must have at least one documented MMR vaccine on file at the Integrated Student Health Center prior to the student attending any classes (per OAR 333-050-0130). Also, students from countries identified as high risk for tuberculosis (most countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Russia) are required to complete a TB screening upon entrance to Oregon Tech. This may include a TB skin test and/or a chest x-ray. This can be done at the Integrated Student Health Center if records are not available.

Exchange Student Admission

Oregon Tech welcomes exchange students through multiple exchange partnership agreements. Students at partner institutions work with an advisor at their “home” campus to meet the requirements of Oregon Tech’s international exchange application process. It is recommended that exchange students begin the exchange application process at least nine months prior to the planned date of entry. This allows ample time for submission of documents that the U.S. Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services requires Oregon Tech to collect before we can issue the I-20 form that is used to secure an F-1 visa.

Admission Exceptions

The Admissions Committee and Director of Admissions retain the right to make exceptions to the specified requirements for admission or add stipulations to certain offers of admission. For additional information, contact the Director of Admissions.


Registration Events for new students occur prior to the start of each term. All students new to the Klamath Falls campus must participate in a Klamath Falls Registration program and all students new to the Wilsonville campus must participate in Wilsonville’s Orientation & Registration program. In addition to placement testing and meeting with advisors to plan an academic schedule, students have the opportunity during Registration to register for classes, set up Oregon Tech computer and email accounts, receive a university ID card and learn more about making a successful transition to Oregon Tech. Students are encouraged to attend an early Registration event rather than waiting to register at the beginning of a term. Visit www.oit.edu/newwings or contact the Admissions Office at (541) 885-1150 or oit@oit.edu for more information.

Placement Testing

Oregon Tech’s Student Success Center (SSC) administers all placement testing for Oregon Tech students. Student admission records are examined to determine placement requirements. Students transferring in math credit for calculus or beyond, or who have transferred in math credits to fulfill all of the math requirements for their major, are exempt from the math placement requirement. Transfer students with more than 36 transferable college credits are exempt from the reading placement requirement. Students transferring in college-level writing are exempt from the writing placement requirement. Entering students in health programs requiring Human Anatomy and Physiology with transferable college credit for this course are exempt from the entry assessment for the Human Anatomy and Physiology course sequence. Placement tests are available prior to the term of entry and in conjunction with new student registration. Visit www.oit.edu/newwings or contact (541) 885-1791 or testing@oit.edu for more information.

Western Undergraduate Exchange

Students enrolled in some of Oregon Tech’s majors are eligible for the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) program. WUE is a tuition-reduction program sponsored by Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) that can save students from the Western United States thousands of tuition dollars each year. Students from Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands are eligible. Students from these states who apply for WUE-eligible majors pay just 150 percent of the in-state tuition. No request is required to receive WUE. Students from WUE states who enter WUE-eligible programs will automatically be reviewed for WUE rates upon admission to Oregon Tech.

Eligible Programs

All majors in the College of Health, Arts and Sciences except;

  • Medical Laboratory Science and pre-Medical Laboratory Science
  • Dental Hygiene and pre-Dental Hygiene
  • Medical Imaging Technology and pre-Medical Imaging Technology
  • Nursing after acceptance by Oregon Health Sciences University
  • Emergency Medical Services, Pre-Paramedic, Paramedic, EMS Management

All majors in the College of Engineering, Technology and Management.

WUE is not offered for the Oregon Tech Online Education programs. WUE students are ineligible for the Presidential Academic Scholarship, although WUE offers the greater savings for non-resident students.

WUE Requirements

To maintain eligibility you must:

  • Remain continuously enrolled throughout fall, winter, and spring of the academic year. Summer enrollment at Oregon Tech is not required to maintain eligibility.
  • Enroll in at least 12 credits per term and maintain Satisfactory Academic Standing. Students who are simultaneously admitted to Oregon Tech and a community college to allow dual enrollment must take at least 9 credits per term from Oregon Tech with a combined total of 12 credits per term. GPA and completed credits are monitored each academic year.
  • Students wishing to ‘stop-out’ of enrollment for a term must submit a written request to the Office of the Registrar before the start of that term. Requests are granted at the discretion of the university.
  • Be seeking your first bachelor’s degree

Financial Aid Programs and Application Process

College Union, 1st Floor
Klamath Falls

(541) 885-1280

The Financial Aid Office is committed to providing high-quality service to all Oregon Tech students, their families and the community. Our office strives to provide information on a complex topic that enables students to make decisions regarding their educational funding.

The information contained in this catalog is general in nature and is not meant to serve as notification of students’ rights and responsibilities as financial aid recipients. Oregon Tech’s Financial Aid Award Guide serves that purpose. The Award Guide is available on our website at www.oit.edu/faid. Additional questions regarding the application process should be directed to the Financial Aid Office.

All students applying for federal financial aid must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) available at www.fafsa.gov. A federally approved needs-analysis methodology is applied consistently to information provided by all applicants. The philosophy behind financial aid is that parents and students have the primary financial responsibility for funding the student’s education.

If there are unusual financial circumstances that are not accurately reflected on the FAFSA, the student should contact the Financial Aid Office. Under certain conditions, professional judgment may be used and aid eligibility recalculated. The Financial Aid Office will always take the student’s best interest into consideration while, at the same time, upholding federal regulations.

Application Procedures/Priority Deadlines

All students applying for federal and state aid must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and list Oregon Tech’s school code (003211). We encourage you to file as soon after October 1st as possible to be considered for your maximum eligibility. Some funds are very limited and are expended early.

Once the FAFSA information is received and reviewed by the Financial Aid Office, new students will receive a letter instructing them on how to log into “Web for Student” to view their award letter and the federally mandated shopping sheet online. Students may accept their aid online and request changes. Returning students will receive an email to their Oregon Tech email account when their award letter is ready to view online. After accepting aid students must log back in to web for student and answer the Title IV authorization questions (24 hours later). The Financial Aid Award Guide is located on our website at www.oit.edu/faid. It is important that students read the guide and follow the instructions on the letter they are sent.

Any updates/changes to award letters will result in an email to the student’s Oregon Tech email account. If additional information is requested, such as tax transcripts or worksheets, students should return the documents as soon as possible to receive an Offer of Financial Aid. The award letter will list all types of aid for which the student is eligible. The Award Guide is a detailed booklet explaining programs, disbursement procedures and student rights and responsibilities, as well as cost estimates and other miscellaneous information. It is the student’s responsibility as a financial aid recipient to become familiar with the contents of the Award Guide and contact the Financial Aid Office if additional questions or concerns arise. Additionally, students should check their Oregon Tech email accounts for announcements and notifications from Financial Aid.

The FAFSA must be filed for each year a student wishes to be considered for financial aid eligibility.

Types of Aid

All federal and state programs are need-based with the exception of the Unsubsidized Stafford Loan and the Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS). Students receiving federal aid are allowed to receive at maximum, the cost of attendance as determined by the Financial Aid Office through all aid programs, including outside benefits such as third-party payments. Individual financial-aid packages will vary based on determined cost of attendance, expected family contributions and outside resources.

Federal Pell Grants

The estimated maximum annual Pell Grant for 2017-18 is expected to be $5,920. Students may receive Pell Grants for less than full-time, but the grant will be prorated accordingly. Pell Grant eligibility is limited to those students who have not yet obtained a bachelor’s degree. All students will be considered for Pell Grant eligibility if they file a FAFSA. Awards are granted based on the federally calculated expected family contribution (EFC).

Oregon Opportunity Grant

The annual Oregon Opportunity Grant award for 2016-17 was $2,250. This grant program provides funding to Oregon residents in undergraduate programs attending Oregon schools. The Oregon Opportunity Grant is awarded by Oregon Student Access Commission. Students not enrolled full-time (at least 12 credits) may be eligible for a prorated part-time award if attending half-time. By filing a FAFSA, students are applying for this grant. Funds are available on a first come, first-served basis and are limited. A student can receive an Oregon Opportunity Grant for a maximum of 12 terms. More information is available at www.oregonstudentaid.gov.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG)

SEOG funds are very limited at Oregon Tech, although priority for SEOG funds is given to zero EFC students. The typical award is $400 for an academic year. Only students who have not yet completed a bachelor’s degree and are eligible to receive a Pell Grant will be considered for this grant.

Federal Perkins Loan

The Federal Perkins Loan Program has no origination or guarantee fees, a nine-month grace period after a student ceases to be enrolled at least half time before repayment begins and an interest rate of five percent that begins at repayment. Awards at Oregon Tech range from $1,000 to $2,000 per year and are based on need. Priority is given to students who are attending full time, but may also be awarded on a case-by-case basis to students attending part time. If your Perkins loan is not disbursed in fall term you will be ineligible for the remainder the year.

Federal Work-Study Program

The Federal Work-Study Program allows students to earn money by working part-time on campus or at an off-campus community service site. Information regarding available jobs and application procedures are located in the Career Services Office and on the Oregon Tech Web site. Awards are usually $1,500 per year, which can be earned at any time during the academic year provided the student is enrolled at least half-time. Awards will be increased if money is remaining.

Direct Lending

Federal Stafford Loans (subsidized and unsubsidized) are available to most students through the federal government Direct Loan Program. Loan amounts vary based on student need and grade level in a declared major at Oregon Tech. A fee for guarantee and origination will be taken at the time of disbursement. It is currently 1.073% and subject to change. Contact the Oregon Tech Financial Aid Office for current interest rates. The difference between a subsidized and an unsubsidized loan is that the federal government pays the interest on subsidized loans while the student is in school. Students who wish to borrow through the unsubsidized loan program should remember that interest is accruing on the loan. Interest payments can be made while in school and during the grace period, but are not required. Any interest that has accrued at the time of repayment will be capitalized. Students must complete entrance counseling and fill out a promissory note before funds will be disbursed. To complete these items go to www.studentloans.gov.

Matthews Loan, Matthews Supplemental Loan and Oregon Tech Long Term Loan

The Matthews Loan, Matthews Supplemental Loan and Oregon Tech Long Term Loan are loans offered by Oregon Institute of Technology. These loans have a five percent interest rate, no origination fee, and repayment begins nine months after students cease to be enrolled at least half-time.

Students must complete a promissory note to receive the funds.

Federal Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)

Parents of dependent students can apply for funds through Parent Loans for undergraduate students. These loans are available for up to the cost of attendance minus other financial aid and resources each year. Interest begins to accrue immediately. A 4.292% origination and guarantee fee will be taken at the time of each disbursement. Loan repayment begins 60 days after the final disbursement of the academic year. If you’re a parent PLUS borrower, you can defer repayment of Direct PLUS Loans first disbursed on or after July 1, 2008, while the student for whom you obtained the loan is enrolled at least half-time, and for an additional 6 months after the student graduates or drops below half-time enrollment (half-time enrollment status is determined by your child’s school). You must separately request each deferment period. Can now be set up in the application process.

Presidential Scholarships

First-time freshman applicants and transfers will receive consideration for Presidential Scholarships by applying and being accepted for admission by March 1st for the following fall term and meeting the minimum scholarship requirements. These scholarships are for full-time students only and may be renewed for up to four years. Award levels vary depending on each recipient’s academic record. For more information, go to www.oit.edu/scholarships.

Klamath County Scholarship

The Klamath County Scholarship is automatically awarded to any applicant living in Klamath County who will attend Oregon Tech starting fall term after graduation from high school and who is able to meet the Presidential Scholarship criteria. Students must apply for admission, meet all admission requirements and be accepted for admission by March 1st for enrollment fall term. Recipients must be new full-time undergraduate students at Oregon Tech. This scholarship is valued at $1000 and is NOT renewable.

Oregon Tech Foundation Scholarships

More than 200 new and returning students annually receive funding from scholarships administered by the Oregon Tech Foundation. Alumni, businesses, industry, and friends of Oregon Tech generously fund these awards. To receive consideration, students must be currently enrolled at Oregon Tech, or accepted for admission for the following fall term. Application forms and deadlines are available on the Oregon Tech Web site at www.oit.edu/otfscholars. The online scholarship application process is seamless for students and automatically generates a list of scholarships the student is eligible to apply for. The winter application process opens in early December and has a deadline of March 1.

Leadership and Diversity Scholarships (LAD)

To be considered for the LAD Scholarship, students must submit the scholarship application (available from the Financial Aid Office and online at www.oit.edu/scholarships). Students also should provide at least one letter of recommendation from a teacher, counselor, clergy or other appropriate reference. Candidates must be current Oregon Tech students or have been accepted for admission for the following fall term and submit all scholarship materials by April 1. Scholarship materials should be directed to the Financial Aid Office. For more information, call (541) 885-1280.

Estimated Financial-Aid Budgets for 2017-18 Academic Year

Financial aid budgets can include amounts for tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board and miscellaneous expenses. Please remember that these are estimated average costs for students, and student spending habits will vary. On a very limited, case-by-case basis, the Financial Aid Office may be able to adjust a student’s budget as permitted by federal regulations.

Students With Disabilities

Under certain circumstances, a student’s aid package may be adjusted to reflect additional expenses. Please contact the Financial Aid Office if you would like additional information or to schedule an appointment.

Consortium Agreement Information

In some cases Oregon Tech’s Financial Aid Office will process a paper consortium agreement with another school in order to allow a student taking courses at another institution to receive aid from one school for all eligible classes. The school must be one with which Oregon Tech does not have a dual admission agreement. The institution that will be awarding the degree and awarding financial aid is defined as the “home institution”; the “host institution” is defined as the institution from which the student is taking additional courses.

When Oregon Tech is serving as the “home institution,” the following criteria must be met to have classes at a “host institution” apply toward financial aid:

  1. The student must be fully admitted to one of Oregon Tech’s degree-granting programs and eligible for financial aid.
  2. The student must be enrolled at least half-time (6 credits) at Oregon Tech
  3. The classes taken at the host institution must be 100-level or higher.
  4. The classes at the host institution must apply toward the student’s Oregon Tech degree.
  5. The classes taken at the host institution must not be offered by Oregon Tech during the term of enrollment.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that both the “host” and the “home” institutions complete the appropriate consortium agreement. Consortium-agreement forms are available at www.oit.edu/faid under “Awards.” Students must provide Oregon Tech’s Financial Aid Office with a final grade report from the “host institution” within 30 days of completing the course.

Dual Admitted Students

Oregon Tech has formal dual admit partnerships with multiple community colleges throughout the state. Please go online www.oit.edu/prospective-students/academic-agreements/dual-enrollment to view them.

Students who are dually admitted may be able to combine credits at both schools for full-time enrollment. If Oregon Tech is the home school (giving aid) the student must be enrolled in six credits at Oregon Tech. Enrollment and grade information will be transmitted electronically. Credits at the host school need to be applicable to the Oregon Tech degree.

Estimated Budgets for 2017-18

(as of April, 2017)

Standard Budget for Fall, Winter, Spring for Full-Time Students

Resident On Campus Off Campus With Parent
Tuition $7,543.35 $7,543.35 $7,543.35
Fees $1,560.00 $1,560.00 $1,560.00
Room and Board $9,265.00 $8,882.00 $2,726.00
Books and Supplies $1,250.00 $1,250.00 $1,250.00
Miscellaneous $3,853.00 $3,853.00 $3,853.00
Total $23,471.35 $23,088.35 $16,932.35


Non-Resident On Campus Off Campus  
Tuition $24,010.20 $24,010.20  
Fees $1,560.00 $1,560.00  
Room and Board $9,265.00 $8,882.00  
Books and Supplies $1,250.00 $1,250.00  
Miscellaneous $3,853.00 $3,853.00  
Total $39,938.20 $39,555.20  


WUE On Campus Off Campus  
Tuition $11,315.25 $11,315.25  
Fees $1,560.00 $1,560.00  
Room and Board $9,265.00 $8,882.00  
Books and Supplies $1,250.00 $1,250.00  
Miscellaneous $3,853.00 $3,853.00  
Total $27,243.25 $26,860.25  

As of this printing, the tuition and fees for Oregon Tech were not finalized. The proposed rates are as follows for the 2017-18 academic year.

  • Tuition is based on 15 credits, 2017-18 carrying load.
  • Fees based on full-time enrollment.
  • Budget is based on $429 per month rent, $274 per month food, and $170 per month utilities for off-campus students.
  • Miscellaneous expenses include medical supplies, entertainment, personal care products, housekeeping supplies, travel, and transportation.
  • MLS/PAR, RCP and Dental Hygiene/La Grande have a different budget.
  • A one-time matriculation fee is assessed for first-term students.
  • MIT externs have a different budget which includes increased costs for major medical insurance, Internet, and additional credits.
  • A single parent may double the budgeted housing figures with documentation.
  • Students enrolled in health profession majors have higher fees. Students may request actual fees to be added to budgets by the Financial Aid Office.

Budget increase for computer is $1,000 maximum with documentation. Please visit www.ous.edu/factreport/tuition for the most current information.


In Oregon, as in all other states, tuition at publicly supported four-year universities is higher for non-resident students than for resident students.

The rules used in determining residency seek to ensure that only bona fide Oregon residents are assessed the resident fee. Please see www.oit.edu/registrar for the latest version of the residency policy.

Reciprocity Agreements

Students from some Northern California counties may be eligible to attend Oregon Tech under reciprocity agreements with College of the Siskiyous, College of the Redwoods, and Shasta College. Reciprocity can allow selected students to attend Oregon Tech at in-state tuition rates. Each participating college has certain restrictions, which may include the county of the student’s residence, required enrollment for a period of time first at the community college, the student’s major, and how many reciprocity permits the college issues.

Tuition and Fees

Snell 116
(541) 885-1202

Fees and deposits at Oregon Tech are charged according to a uniform plan, varying on the nature of coursework offered. Oregon Tech reserves the right to make changes in fee schedules without notice.

Below is a partial list of the estimated fees paid by students regularly enrolled for undergraduate and graduate study. Payment of full-time fees entitles students to use the library. Students may receive medical attention from the Student Health Center, use the fitness center (Tech Fit Center) and other student services. No reduction in fees is made for students who do not wish to access these services.

The estimated fee schedule for the 2017-18 academic years is provided for planning purposes only. Fees are subject to change. The current fee schedule is available from the Business Office, Registrar’s Office or on the University’s website.

Special Fees

All special fees are subject to change without notice.

Application Fee (Not refundable) - $50

Must accompany admission application.

Matriculation Fee (Not refundable) - Undergraduate $300; Graduate $150

A one-time fee assessed to all new Oregon Tech students.

PDF Transcript - $15

Petition to Graduate Fee - $56

Late Fee Payment - $99

Students paying fees after scheduled payment dates of any term can be charged a late charge of $99.

Late Fee to Add, Drop or Withdraw - $20

Return-of-Check Fee - $25

If institutional charges are met by a check which is returned because of any irregularity for which the student is responsible, a fine will be charged. The late-payment fee will be added to the returned-check charge where the returned check was used to pay tuition and fees.

Special Examination Fee, per credit - $50

Examination for credit.

Lifetime Transcripts - $40

A one-time fee assessed to all new and transfer students for a lifetime transcript request. Official Transcripts are issued at no charge. PDF Transcript - $15.

Allied Health Curriculum Tuition

Tuition is assessed an additional 15 percent for students enrolled in Allied Health programs.

Engineering and Technology Differential Tuition

Tuition is assessed an additional 15 percent for students enrolled in Engineering and Technology programs.

Special Course Fees, per course

Special fees, in addition to regular tuition, are assigned for some courses. These fees are noted in the Schedule of Classes for each term.

Room and Board Costs

The 2017-18 estimated annual room-and board costs range from $8,705 to $9,649, depending on room type and amount of food purchased. Room-and-board charges are assessed by term. Fees are due in accordance with the same fee payment schedule as exists for tuition. Generally, payments are due during the first week of the term.

Senior Citizen Instruction Fee

Per-credit hour: no charge.

Senior citizens are persons age 65 or older. Such persons are authorized to attend classes on a space available basis. Charges for special materials, if any, are additional. Incidental fee privileges are not provided.

The senior-citizen privilege is extended to persons auditing classes (not seeking credit or working toward a degree).

Tuition and Fee Refunds

Students who withdraw from the university and who have complied with the regulations governing academic withdrawals may be entitled to certain refunds of fees assessed, depending on the time of withdrawal. The refund schedule has been established by the Oregon Tech Board of Trustees and is on file in the Business Office. Included with the refund schedule is the mandated order in which financial aid must be returned to the appropriate programs for students on financial aid. All refunds are subject to the following regulations:

  1. Any claim for refund must be made in writing before the close of the term in which the claim originated.
  2. An official notice of withdrawal must be completed and necessary clearance signatures filed with the Registrar’s Office.
  3. Refunds in all cases are calculated from the date of receipt of the application for refund or date of withdrawal, and not from the date when the student ceased attending classes, except in unusual cases when formal withdrawal has been delayed through cause beyond the student’s control.

Parking Fees

All student, staff and faculty vehicles must be registered with the Traffic Commission and operated in compliance with Regulations Governing Traffic Control. At the time of vehicle registration, a parking fee will be assessed in accordance with a schedule approved by the President of the University and approved by the Oregon Tech Board of Trustees. Parking permits may be purchased online via web-for-student. Vehicles must be registered by the first day after classes begin. Parking Fees for 2017-18 are:

Students Faculty/Staff Permits
$102/year $161/year Add’l vehicle $10
$51/term $80/term one-term and full-year permits

Library Fines and Charges

The following regulations govern library fines and charges:

  1. Books–A fine of 25 cents per day is charged for each item overdue other than reserve books. No charges are made for the first three days late, but a charge of $1 is assessed on the fourth day, plus 25 cents per day thereafter (maximum, $10 each item). Separate charges apply to books borrowed from other libraries.
  2. Billing–Borrowers failing to return materials within 40 days of the due date will be charged the replacement cost of the items plus the amount of fine (maximum fine-$10 each item) incurred up to the time the item is reported missing. In addition, the borrower will be assessed a service charge of $10.
  3. Refunds–When a lost item for which the borrower has been billed is returned before replacement has been ordered, a refund not exceeding the replacement cost may be made at the discretion of the librarian. In cases where replacement has been ordered, no refunds to the borrower will be made.
  4. For Alliance and ILL items, fines accrue until the item is returned, with no set maximum. Replacement charges for Alliance items are $75, plus a $20.00 processing charge, plus a $15.00 billing charge for a total of $110.00 for each Alliance item not returned. Replacement charges for ILL items are established by the lending library, and will include a $20.00 processing charge, plus $15.00 billing charge, for each ILL item not returned.

38 U.S.C. 3679(c). Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014

A student is entitled to pay tuition and fees at Oregon Institute of Technology at the rates provided for Oregon residents without regard to the length of time the person has resided in this state if the student resides in this state while enrolled in the institution and the student:

  1. Is receiving Chapter 30: Montgomery OR Chapter 33: Post-9/11 GI Bill educational assistance; and
    • Enrolls within 3 years of discharge after serving 90 days or more on active duty; or
    • Anyone using transferred entitlement within 3 years of the transferor’s discharge after serving 90 days or more on active duty; or
    • Surviving Spouses or Children under the Fry Scholarship who enroll within 3 years of an active duty Service member’s death in the line of duty after serving 90 days or more; or
  2. Students who remain continuously enrolled after initially meeting the requirements and are using Montgomery and Post-9/11 GI Bill educational assistance.