2017-18 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Computer Systems Engineering Technology Department
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Todd Breedlove, Department Chair
Sherry Yang, Wilsonville Operations Program Director, Software Engineering Technology and Embedded Systems Engineering Technology.
Todd Breedlove, Program Director, Software Engineering Technology
Doug Lynn, Program Director, Computer Engineering Technology
Troy Scevers, Program Director, Embedded Systems Engineering Technology
Sherry Yang, Curriculum Coordinator, Software Engineering Technology
Phong Nguyen, Curriculum Coordinator, Computer Engineering Technology
Professors: J. Bockelman, T. Breedlove, C. Caldwell, C. Kansaku, J. Long, D. Lynn, S. Yang
Associate Professors: P. Nguyen
Assistant Professors: D. Bishop, P. Howard, K. Pintong, T. Scevers
Degrees Offered
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Embedded Systems Engineering Technology
- Associate of Engineering in Computer Engineering Technology
- Associate of Engineering in Software Engineering Technology
Common First-Year Curriculum
The Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Technology, Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering Technology, Bachelor of Science in Embedded Systems Engineering Technology, the Associate of Engineering in Computer Engineering Technology and the Associate of Engineering in Software Engineering Technology all share a common first-year curriculum.
Required courses and recommended terms during which they should be taken:
Computer Engineering Technology
Degrees Offered
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Technology
- Associate of Engineering in Computer Engineering Technology
Bachelor of Science and Associate of Engineering Degrees
All students who complete the curriculum requirements in Computer Engineering Technology will be knowledgeable in the theory and applications of both computer hardware and software.
Required Student Equipment
Successful completion of this degree requires intensive, hands-on use of computers. Therefore, all students are required to own their own computer. To ensure compatibility with campus-wide computers and networks, students should consult a department faculty member for a specification sheet. Financial aid may be available to help defray the cost of this equipment. Please consult the Financial Aid Office at Oregon Tech.
Career Opportunities
Work in the field of computer engineering technology includes: application specific integrated circuit development, firmware development, embedded systems design, software development, testing and applications of technology.
Computer engineering technology graduates will be involved in development of hardware, software and embedded applications that adapt digital logic and computer systems to solve problems in a wide range of industries from industrial manufacturing to consumer electronics. In addition, they may be involved in product testing and qualification or in application engineering, customer support, sales and public relations.
The associate’s degree curriculum gives the student a strong foundation in both hardware and software aspects of computing, while also furnishing a solid background in general education subjects including mathematics, physics and communication. The associate degree graduate qualifies as a technician who is productive immediately upon entering the work force. The associate’s degree also provides a way for students who obtain degrees in related disciplines to add breadth to their education.
The bachelor’s curriculum goes beyond the associate’s degree curriculum providing the greater depth and breadth of technical capability necessary for an engineering technologist. The graduate is qualified to assume a responsible position in business or industry. Graduates may be responsible for the development, use and the maintenance of computing systems, and for the supervision of personnel.
New careers are constantly evolving in both the hardware and software branches of this field. A diversified study allows the graduate to quickly adapt to changing market conditions.
Curriculum Mission and Objectives
The mission of the Computer Engineering Technology (CET) Degree program in the Computer Systems Engineering Technology (CSET) Department at Oregon Institute of Technology is to provide an excellent education incorporating industry-relevant, applied laboratory-based design and analysis to our students. The program is to serve a constituency consisting of its Alumni, employers in the high-technology industry and the members of our IAB. Major components of the CET program’s mission in the CSET department are to:
- educate computer engineering technology students to meet current and future industrial challenges
- promote a sense of scholarship, leadership and professional service among our graduates
- enable students to create, develop, and disseminate knowledge for the applied engineering environment
- expose students to a cross-disciplinary educational program
- provide high tech industry employers with graduates in the computer engineering technology profession, a profession which is increasingly being driven by advances in technology
CET Bachelor of Science Program Educational Objectives
Alumni of the Computer Engineering Technology (CET) Bachelor Degree program may be employed in a wide range of high tech industries from industrial manufacturing to consumer electronics where they will be involved in solving problems through the development of hardware, software and embedded applications. Alumni may be involved in product design, testing and qualification, application engineering, customer support, sales, or public relations.
- Alumni will demonstrate technical competency through success in computer engineering technology positions and/or pursuit of engineering or engineering technology graduate studies if desired.
- Alumni will demonstrate competencies in communication and teamwork skills by assuming increasing levels of responsibility and/or leadership or managerial roles.
- Alumni will develop professionally, pursue continued learning and practice responsibly and ethically.
CET Associate Degree Program Education Objectives
Alumni of the Computer Engineering Technology (CET) Associate Degree program may be employed as technicians or in support roles in a wide range of high tech industries from industrial manufacturing to consumer electronics. Alumni may be involved in product testing and qualification, customer support, sales, or public relations.
- Alumni will demonstrate technical competence through success in computer engineering technician positions.
- Alumni will demonstrate competencies in communication and teamwork skills through positive contributions to team based engineering projects.
- Alumni will develop professionally, pursue continued learning and practice responsibly and ethically.
According to current statistics, one third of students who obtain the CET Associate degree also obtain a bachelor degree in a related discipline, most often a bachelor degree in Software. In this case, the Associate degree adds breadth to their education. Alumni in this category would be expected to perform at a level consistent with the bachelor degree program educational objectives.
Cooperative Field Experience
The cooperative program includes work experience during the junior and senior years. The co-op period is an employment arrangement with an employer in the area of the student’s major field with normal salary and academic credit. These arrangements are made on an individual basis and the student is under no obligation to accept permanent employment with any previous co-op employer.
A student must have junior standing in Computer Engineering Technology to be considered for this program.
The Computer Engineering Technology Programs are accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission (ETAC), Inc., http://www.abet.org. ABET is a specialized accrediting board recognized by the Council for Higher Education and/or the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education.
Degree Requirements
Associate of engineering technology degree students must complete 94 credit hours as prescribed by the curriculum outline. The Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Technology degree requires 94 additional credit hours, for a total of 188 credits, as prescribed by the curriculum outline.
Embedded Systems Engineering Technology
Degree Offered
- Bachelor of Science in Embedded Systems Engineering Technology
The mission of the Embedded Systems Engineering Technology (ESET) bachelor’s degree program within the Computer Systems Engineering Technology (CSET) Department at Oregon Institute of Technology is to prepare our students for productive careers in industry and government by providing an excellent education incorporating industry relevant, applied laboratory-based instruction in both the theory and application of embedded systems engineering. Our focus is educating students to meet the growing workforce demand in Oregon and elsewhere for graduates prepared in both hardware and software aspects of embedded systems. Major components of the ESET program’s mission in the CSET Department are:
- to educate a new generation of ESET students to meet current and future industrial challenges and emerging embedded systems engineering trends
- to promote a sense of scholarship, leadership, and professional service among our graduates
- to enable our students to create, develop, apply, and disseminate knowledge within the embedded systems development environment
- to expose our students to cross-disciplinary educational programs
- to provide government and high tech industry employers with graduates in embedded systems engineering and related professions
The Embedded Systems Engineering Technology Programs are accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission (ETAC), Inc., http://www.abet.org. ABET is a specialized accrediting board recognized by the Council for Higher Education and/or the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education. Required Student Equipment Successful completion of this degree requires intensive, hands-on use of computers. Therefore, all students are required to own their own computer. To ensure compatibility with campus-wide computers and networks, students should consult a department faculty member for a specification sheet. Financial aid may be available to help defray the cost of this equipment. Please consult the Financial Aid Office at Oregon Tech.
Career Opportunities
The Department of Computer Systems Engineering Technology offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Embedded Systems Engineering Technology (ESET) designed to build and enhance student’s knowledge and skills in this high demand field. Embedded systems play an important role in society. They are the products that contain computing capabilities which are found throughout a wide spectrum of applications. Examples of embedded systems can be found in areas ranging from the entertainment industry to office systems; health care to telecommunications. Embedded systems encompass such diverse products as interactive multimedia, printers, medical equipment, avionics equipment, kitchen appliances, mobile phones, and automotive engine management units. Engineering and technological challenges abound in the design and development of such innovative products due to the high level integration of hardware and software. As they become more complex and time to market shrinks there is increasing need for skill and creativity on the part of the Embedded System Engineering Technology graduate.
If you want to:
- develop skills in design and implementation of firmware for embedded systems
- expand knowledge and apply new ideas in practical design
- gain hands-on experience in embedded system design
- bridge the gap between software and hardware design
- enhance your career opportunities in a variety of high demand areas of industrial applications, then the Embedded Systems Engineering Technology Program is the place for you
Objective of the Curriculum
The goal of the Embedded Systems Program is to prepare students with the skills demanded by real-world industrial applications. Key to this process is the direct involvement of the embedded systems industries. Specific areas of preparation include:
- embedded systems design methods–methods and techniques specific to the creation of an embedded system that integrates both software and hardware to fulfill a set of requirements
- software engineering methods–methods specific to development of software for embedded systems, including implementation, maintenance and testing
- systems software development–device driver development, multiprocessing control systems, and the software necessary to directly access and manipulate hardware
- architectural elements of embedded systems–methods and techniques for designing and implementing hardware components for embedded systems such as application-specific integrated circuits and System-On-a-Chip (SoC) technology
- real-time high-reliability and high availability processing–methods and techniques necessary for understanding, evaluating and addressing quality attributes most often associated with embedded systems such as real-time deadlines, high availability, survivability, and safety
- data communications–methods and techniques for developing distributed systems within embedded environments that use physical or wireless networking
Cooperative Field Experience
The cooperative program includes work experience during the junior and senior years. The co-op period is an employment arrangement with an employer in the area of the student’s major field with normal salary and academic credit. These arrangements are made on an individual basis and the student is under no obligation to accept permanent employment with any previous co-op employer.
Software Engineering Technology
Degrees Offered
- Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering Technology
- Associate of Engineering in Software Engineering Technology
Students who complete the curriculum requirements in Software Engineering Technology will be qualified and knowledgeable in the establishment and use of sound engineering principles (methods) in order to create software of all types that is reliable and works on real machines.
Required Student Equipment
Successful completion of this degree requires intensive, hands-on use of computers. Therefore, all students are required to own a computer. To ensure compatibility with campus-wide computers and networks, students should consult a department faculty member for a specification sheet. Financial aid may be available to help defray the cost of this equipment. Please consult the Financial Aid Office at Oregon Tech.
Career Opportunities
Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering Technology degree graduates find employment as software engineers, systems engineers, systems analysts, programmer/analysts, researchers and assistants, consultants, customer engineers, etc., responsible for the application, design, development, and implementation of software in all areas of industry, government and education.
Software engineering technologists’ career paths will be many and varied. They may concentrate on hardware-support activities such as new design/development, testing, customer service and the like. They may concentrate on software specification, design, construction and testing through implementation and maintenance.
Graduates may get involved with administrative or project management by beginning as a member of an applications development team and progressing into management. They may pursue careers in product development, marketing, sales, design, and support. Students completing the requirements for the Associate of Engineering degree should consider themselves as entry-level trainees in the careers mentioned.
High School Preparation
Coursework in computer science, mathematics, and physical science will aid students in their progress in this program.
Bachelor Program Mission
The mission of the Software Engineering Technology (SET) Bachelor’s Degree Program within Computer Systems Engineering Technology (CSET) Department at Oregon Institute of Technology is to prepare our students for productive careers in industry and government by providing an excellent education incorporating industry-relevant, applied laboratory-based instruction in both the theory and application of software engineering. The program is to serve a constituency consisting of our alumni, our employers and our Industrial Advisory Board. Major components of the SET Program’s mission in the CSET Department are:
- to educate a new generation of Software Engineering Technology students to meet current and future industrial challenges and emerging software trends
- to promote a sense of scholarship, leadership and professional service among our graduates
- to enable our students to create, develop, apply and disseminate knowledge within the software development environment
- to expose our students to cross-disciplinary educational programs
- to provide government and high tech industry employers with graduates in software engineering and related professions
Bachelor Program Educational Objectives
The Program Educational Objectives of Oregon Tech’s Software Engineering Technology Program are to produce graduates that:
- use their knowledge of engineering to creatively and innovatively solve difficult computer systems problems
- regularly engage in exploring, learning and applying state-of-the-art hardware and software technologies to the solution of computer systems problems
- will be an effective software development team member that contributes innovative software design solutions to the resolution of business, scientific or government computer systems problems
- will communicate effectively and successfully, both individually and within multi-disciplinary teams
Associate Program Mission
The mission of the Software Engineering Technology (SET) Associate Degree program within the Computer Systems Engineering Technology (CSET) Department at Oregon Institute of Technology is to prepare our students for entry level careers in the software industry and government by providing applied laboratory based instruction. The program is to serve a constituency consisting of our alumni, our employers and our Industrial Advisory Board. Major components of the SET program’s mission in the CSET Department are:
- to provide a new generation of Software Engineering Technology students with a solid background in computer programming
- to enable our students to create, develop and apply knowledge within a technical software environment
- to provide government and high tech industry employers with entry level graduates in computer programming and related professions
Associate Program Educational Objectives
The Program Educational Objectives of Oregon Tech’s Software Engineering Technology program are to produce graduates that:
- assist in solving computer systems problems using their knowledge of computer programming
- regularly engage in learning and applying state-of-the-art hardware and software technologies to the solution of computer systems problems
- will communicate effectively and successfully in the workplace
Cooperative Field Experience
The cooperative program includes work experience usually during the junior and senior years. The co-op period would be an employment arrangement with an employer in the area of the student’s major field with normal salary and academic credit. These arrangements are made on an individual basis, and the student is under no obligation to accept permanent employment with any previous cooperating employer. A student must be ready to enter the sophomore year in Software Engineering Technology to be considered for this program
The Software Engineering Technology Programs are accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission (ETAC) of ABET, Inc., http://www.abet.org. ABET is a specialized accrediting board recognized by the Council for Higher Education and/or the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education.
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